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all solid bookmatched spruce rosewood vintage guitar OM 42

  • $959.00

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B-OM-42 AAAA solid sikta wood top AAAA solid rosewood back and side; X bracing scalloped 14 frets , ebony wood fretboard and bridge; one piece mahogany wood neck ; abalone inlay on fingerboard, on bridge abalone binding on top; one piece satin finishing mahogany wood neck,the rest of the guitar in gloss cow bone nut ,saddle and bridge pins soundhole pickups available
B-OM-42 AAAA solid sikta wood top AAAA solid rosewood back and side; X bracing scalloped 14 frets , ebony wood fretboard and bridge; one piece mahogany wood neck ; abalone inlay on fingerboard, on bridge abalone binding on top; one piece satin finishing mahogany wood neck,the rest of the guitar in gloss cow bone nut ,saddle and bridge pins soundhole pickups available
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